Friday, August 24, 2007

Michael Vick's Daddy Sells Him Out

Michael Vick is expected to enter a plea that claims he took NO part in any dog killing or betting on dog fights...
He will only plead guilty to the charge of interstate commerce for the purpose of dogfighting. His father, however, tells a different story. In a recent interview, Michael Boddie Boddie, Boddie, where have I heard that name before? Oh yeah, it's the same last name as the cousin who lead the cops to Vick's Virginia Mansion on the drug raid that started this whole mess says, "I wish they would stop sugarcoating this. This is Mike's thing and he knows it." Mr. Boddie goes on to say that Mike has been organizing dog fights since his college days when he used to hold dogfights in the family's garage back in Newport News, VA right before he entered the league. Boddie says he told Mike to cut it out or at least hold the fights at someone else's house, but Mike wouldn't listen. Boddie lives in an apartment, paid for by Mike, in Duluth, GA and says he hasn't worked since 2003 and that Mike sends him a couple hundred dollars every few weeks. He said he asked Mike to give him $1 million dollars spread out over 12 years, to which Mike said in my Miss Sofia voice no. Then he asked for $700,000.00 which was also turned down. Now he's threatening to write a book. Mr. Boddie is angry because he doesn't like the way Mike and his mother portray him as an absentee father. Boddie claims he never left his family's side, saying he may have been drunk or high sometimes, but he was there. WTH! Mike paid for his father's rehab stay in 2004. You would think he would keep his mouth shut for fear of losing his apartment and couple hundred a week right? Well, whispers out of Virginia say Mike's money been funny for a while now, so I guess pops feel like he ain't got nothing to lose.