Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bobby Brown Broke Funeral Agreement

A spokesperson for the Houston family says Bobby Brown was invited to Whitney Houston's home going celebration on one condition and he broke the agreement...

Houston family attorney Mark G. Trigg went on V103 in Atlanta yesterday told Frank and Wanda,
“Our agreement prior to the service was that if Krissy reached out to Bobby, if she tried to initiate any contact with him, security was certainly going to make sure that happened and would not stand in the way of her reaching Bobby if she initiated the contact.”

“What was asked of him however was that if Krissy didn’t initiate that contact for whatever reason, with whatever was going on in her head and heart and spirit, that day, if she didn't initiate the contact, then he was not to reach out for her. Just to respect her and her wishes during the service. That was the agreement,”

“And when he went to interact with her, that’s when security said we would ask you please go to your seat. Please have your children sit with their uncle, and let’s not have any unnecessary drama here. That's the point where he, for whatever reason, decided that he wanted to just leave the service. So he got with his three children, went up and kissed the casket and they walked out of the service.”