Thursday, April 19, 2012

Flo-Rida on the Hook for 80 Large

Back in October Flo-Rida pulled out of the Fat as Butter music festival in New Castle Australia after throwing a hissy fit over his hotel accommodations [click here if you missed that].

That little stunt cost Flo-Rida $80,000...

An Australian court has ruled in favor of Fat as Butter concert promoters Mothership Music against Flo-Rida, awarding the Mothership over $80,000.00 in damages.

The trick is getting Flo-Rida to pay up.

According to the Motherhsip they've tried countless times to serve Flo-Rida but his security rolls too deep.

A lawyer for Mothership Music explains,
"We attended all the events (he has put on in Australia). However, he had (so) much security that personal service was impossible... We will be handing up an affidavit from our process server outlining the attempts we tried to make... We are seeking costs that we expended, out-of-pocket expenses including accommodation, vehicles and damage to our client's business and goodwill."

Flo-Rida is facing a freeze on any assets he has in Australia if he does not comply with the ruling.