Saturday, July 28, 2012

No More EnVogue

Don't you hate when groups you didn't even know where still together break up? Dawn Robinson from EnVogue announced rather rudely on Twitter the other day that she and Maxine were leaving the group and rehearsing for a tour of their own...

Dawn's Twitter outburst prompted this response from Cindy and Terry on EnVogue's official Facebook page,
“Dear EnVogue fans,
In regards to the recent twitter and face book posts alleging that Terry and Cindy have replaced Maxine Jones with Rhona, we would like to respond. Terry and Cindy are not replacing Maxine Jones. We have however asked Rhona to fill in temporarily so that we can continue to bring live shows to our fans. Thus far, Rhona has only done three shows with us since June 2012. The group has always added someone whenever a member has been unable or unwilling to perform or has left the group. Terry and I have not kicked Maxine out of the group. There are always two sides to a story and many internal facts that you the fans aren’t hearing about. In an effort to not air dirty laundry, or appear to point the finger at anyone, we respectfully choose to remain silent on the internal issues. We appreciate you the fans continuing to support Envogue individually, and as a whole.
Thank you,
Cindy and Terry