Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Kenya Moore Calls Phaedra Parks a Fake

Real Housewives of Atlanta's Kenya Moore says every thing about Pheadra Parks is fake, right down to her Southern Belle persona...

Kenya writes on her Bravo blog,
The girls’ trip was very challenging for me. Keeping my cool, turning the other cheek, and going out of my way to make a concerted effort to be kind to all the ladies was my plan. However, it goes against my spirit to be phony and fake. For others like phony Phae-Phae, it’s second nature. To add insult to injury, Phaedra in particular went out of her way to be an evil, vindictive, ugly person to me during the trip. The last straw was the underhanded insensitive, and snide remark about my lack of sexual prowess when it comes to keeping my ex. Yet, in the same breath she spitefully calls me a whore during her interviews. On the one hand she calls herself a preacher’s daughter quoting the bible and proclaiming to be an upright Southern belle, and on the other hand in the same breath calls me a whore for not marrying my ex.
She is a fraud in every way imaginable, including her fictitious “Southern belle character” she plays on TV or the 30 pounds she Photoshopped off her photo from her DVD cover. FRAUD! I shoot straight from the hip and do not play games. I’ve tried to settle our differences by communicating to Phaedra that we can’t pretend like there is no issue if we have any hope at ever resolving them. All the conscientious and intentional cruelty from Phaedra needed to be addressed before it could get any uglier.
Without losing my cool, I tried to explain that she took the disagreement to another level of the lowest kind by starting viscous, unfounded, and slanderous rumors about me. If she had an issue with me, she should have been woman enough to talk directly to me about it. Yet, she felt more comfortable being slick, underhanded, and malicious. Had she only admitted that she was wrong for her spiteful actions and apologized, we could have left the door cracked open for a friendship. However, after pointless bickering back and forth, I realized that she would never give me what I wanted. Just as NeNe said, I saw her for the person she really is and not who she fraudulently pretends to be.