Friday, April 05, 2013

Halle Berry Knocked Up?

Insiders claim Halle Berry and her fiance Olivier Martinez are expecting their first child together...

From TMZ
Halle Berry is pregnant with her second child ... TMZ has learned.
Sources connected with the actress and her fiance, Olivier Martinez, tell TMZ ... Halle is 3 months pregnant.
What's more ... they know the sex. It's a boy.
It's definitely worth noting ... Halle is 46, and Olivier is 47.


Anonymous said...

SMH she just keep breeding these Edomite kids. Better enjoy them because the book of Obadiah said Esau and Edomites will be wiped out.

Anonymous said...

He will bounce before the child turns a year old. Mark my words. Sorry, but Halle seems to repel men left and right. She is gorgeous but something is off.

Ms. Lee said...

Congrats Halle and Oliver. I should have this talk with my fiance. :-)

Anonymous said...

Halle keeps on having out of wedlock children. I thought only poor black women did that. Oh my mistake please forgive me.

Anonymous said...

They assuming that knocked up meant pregnant. She got knocked up side the head.

Ella es una chica loca

Anonymous said...

It still won't keep that man around. Halle and Kenya Moore are both beautiful, damaged goods.

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda scared for her.

Unknown said...

I don't beleive it. 46 years old and pregnant? Not buying it, not that it is impossible.

2 babies, by two different men, yeah... BAPS was a good role for M. Barry.

And, why would dude want a baby by theis crazy broad after he saw what she put Gabriel through? Child support? Ohh I see him taxing her and taking that child!

Anonymous said...

You would think she would try having a child while being married. These white men keep impregnating her and then running off with her money.

Life seems to imitate are in this case- in the movie where she played Dorothy Dandridge, at the end Dorothy met a white man who took all of her money also. The child is going to look decent- Halle and Olivier both look good.

Bee Gee said...

Lol @ Ms. Lee - Check him!

If it's true, Halle will join the club of parents in their 60's still tryna get a raggedy ass teenager up out the house. That shit is NOT cool..

Anonymous said...

Well the fact that they say the already know the sex of the child at 3 months is what makes this story a bit unfounded for me! Olivier hasn't worked in a minute so does she really want to go thru the same shit she goes thru with Aubrey with Olivier! I guess she shouldn't be so opinionated about black men.


Anonymous said...

Stop hating on Halle. So what she is 46. She looks better than a lot of women 36. As long as she stays healthy, she will be able to take care of that baby.
She has money and love to give to a child and that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

STFU about hating it's not hating if you have an opinion and I don't even think your comment was directed at me - but I'm so tired of limp dick chicks talking about folks hating - 46 is risky to have a child regardless of health!


Anonymous said...

Uh oh, where is TEAM NO MARRIAGE NO BABY? Lol.

LOVE GOD 4 EVER!!! Tracy~ said...

We need to teach our daughters to distinguish between a man who flatters her - and a man who compliments her. A man who spends money on her - and a man who (Invests in her). A man who views her as property - and a man who views her properly. A man who lusts after her - and a man who loves her. A man who believes he is God's gift to women - and a man who remembers a woman was God's gift to man...And then teach our boys to be that kind of a man. God BLESS!

Anonymous said...

If this is true, good for her!

Anonymous said...

Have a seat- to the person that claims "these white men" are taking her money. Any sheisty or greedy or scorned man is gonna take a rich woman for what shes worth. And trust, their are certain "types" that will go into bitchmode and drag her name thru the mud too.

Anonymous said...

It is not note worthy that HE is 47, dudes have babies til they drop dead. If she can conceive at 46, good for her. I'm thinking she should have stopped at one though, not because of her age, but because when you and your man jump your baby daddy IN FRONT of the baby you probably have more on your plate than you can handle.

Anonymous said...

MS Lee is a troll too?

Anonymous said...

She is too old. That's not fair to the child.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Uh oh, where is TEAM NO MARRIAGE NO BABY? Lol.
2:15 PM
Lol. That Jill Scott thread was off the chain for real.

I think Halle already knows what it is going in. She's already stated that she is done with marriage. I just think she is emotionally unstable - it seems she's been this way for awhile. She always plays the victim too. This is a troubled relationship with all that they have endured with her Gabriel and the paternity suit, the big Thanksgiving brawl, the petition to move to France, etc. It just seems like an awful amount of drama to me and not an ideal environment for a brand new baby. But, I 'guess' Halle knows what she's doing?

Mod said...

2:31, Are you?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how Black bitches stay pressed and concerned over what another grown woman does with her vagina and uterus. Ok. Halle is pregnant and not married. And? You bitches in here are numero uno for having out of wedlock babies by thugs.

Unknown said...

She is not necessarily too old, but with all the trouble she had getting pregnant with Naylah, she may be a invitro situation.

Which makes that fact that she isn't married even worse. He hasn't married you and you got IVF treatments to get pregnant anyway? That doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

Lol, okay I noticed when I hit the nail on the head and reveal a bonafide troll, the fake "Mod" calls me out. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

2:48, Ms. Lee is not a troll. You're just looking to start shit with the regulars on this site. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Halle can still have a baby at her age but she would have needed fertility treatments to make it happen. Maybe she'll name their little boy Simba..

Anonymous said...

bet she gives birth in france.

Anonymous said...

Halle's getting to France one way or the other. Well played....

Anonymous said...

@ 2:59 How do know she would have to get fertility treatments to get pregnant. My mother gave birth at 46 years old naturally.

Anonymous said...

@2:59, who the hell was talking to you?

Anonymous said...

@3:14 why didn't she just marry him to get to France? The courts would not stop a wife from going to her husbands country

Anonymous said...

@3:17 I think she can go there but can't get residency. She can't move there because Nahla's dad got a court order that prevented that. That's her dilemma

Don balee me juh watch said...

@2:27 she is paying Gabriel $20 k a month to sit at home and do nothing. She finds these unemployed white men, has a child after a year, and then they leave her and collect a check for the next 18 years. I don't personally care, its not my money, but there is a pattern that is emerging. She could at least pick a white man that has more money than her- that would be the smart thing to do. When she was married to that millionaire black baseball player she didn't pop out any babies.

Anonymous said...

^^ I agree with what you're saying but I dont see what this has to do with the color of the men shes choosing to be with. Now, I do find it odd that she was married to Black men, but didnt want to have their babies. Could it be she wasnt ready or something else?

Anonymous said...

you guys are mean on this site and im not ever coming back! its rude!

Anonymous said...

I really love Halle Berry. She's pretty, but this man looks borderline homeless and broke.

Anonymous said...

I like Halle but her mind is effed up! She doesn't make good decisions.

Anonymous said...

@4:22 yeah, it's pretty rough in here lol.

Bee Gee said...

Timing is everything and as far as brothas go, I just think Halle never found one that had his "clock" synchronized with hers. It's obvious to me that she does love black men. But things have always went awry with 'em. It's too bad that the homeboy Michael Ealy wasn't ready to dive in with her on the marriage & kids thing. I think she was really ready to settle down and stop actin' a gotdam fool at that time. Then she wanted the sperm donor just for the nut, then she wanted him for keeps, then she wanted his ass erased when he chose to stick to the original plan. Now she's with the scruffy euro cat and seems like she just wants to be left alone more than anything else. Life is whatchu make it..

Anonymous said...

^^^ Halle dated Michael Ealy!? How did I miss that?

ThatBKChick said...

Halle has father/abandonment issues. It was just reported that she is still in therapy after 30 years. And yes, because of her abandonment issues, she suffers with severe depression and is "off". I know I suffered after my mom and dad divorced and he never really came around, and this goes for millions of other suffered because of a lack of a parent missing in their lives. You can still manage to find meaningful relationships and life. It just goes to show you no matter what you have and are in life, happiness exists, because you learn to forgive that person and yourself, thus, love yourself to maker healthier life choices (men, friends, etc). You have to be honest when you are in therapy, or else you are just paying money to a shrink for nothing. If you don't come to terms with yourself/issues, you keep making the same bad marriages, mistakes over and OVER AGAIN=Halle Berry. I wish her love and luck with that though!

Don balee me juh watch said...

@4:16 I just find it odd that when she was married to a black man babies were not on her radar but now she is just popping them babies out to any white man that comes her way...I do think that her life is turning into Dorothy Dandridge how she played her in that movie. Halle played that part a little too well. Dorothy had a string of white men in her life that treated her like trash and the last one left her and took all her money. Maybe Halle has black men issues. You can't say the white man is treating her better because he's taking her to court and getting a check.

Unknown said...

Turning 36 in a few weeks I thought all hope for my old butt EVER having a baby was lost. Miz Berry gives me hope against hope. Hell, I'm ready to wait a few more years!

Anonymous said...

I am 26 do not want any kids but if I ever got pregnant I would have the child. Do not believe in abortions but do not like kids. I'm selfish but I raised my sis and bro basically

Anonymous said...

If this is true, she's LUCKY...that's rare. She's quite old to be breeding!

Anonymous said...

I like Halle but chick is as crazy as she is beautiful! Oliver has violent tendencies. He seems controlling with his advice to her to wait until she's actually living in France to learn to speak the language. She fights the father of the child she chose to have a baby with...fights him because he wants to be in his daughter's life. She's been engaged how long and gets pregnant before the marriage. Does Oliver have other children? What kind of father is he? I hope that Halle doesn't put Oliver through the same ish she's put Gabe through, when he wants to be with his child. Crazy and Violent don't work together.

She's 46 and diabetic, so I hope she takes good care of herself, especially when it comes to avoiding stress. Good luck to her.

Anonymous said...

So what ARE you saying exactly??? @ 6:47PM

Anonymous said...

C'mon people! In The Bible, Sarah spit Isaac out at 91 years old so why can't Halle do it at 46??? Het TRACY LOVE GOD 4EVER, where are you on this one?!

Anonymous said...

This is a way for her to be able to take Nahla to France...or at least try.

Anonymous said...

I hope the best for her. That said, she should, too. Given her past, it's best she starts preparing for the worst. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

3:16 because I am a nurse and have worked for a GYN in the past. I don't know your mothers medical history but Halle openly talked about how she had to have fertility treatments to get pregnant with Nalah. Since she's even older, it's highly improbable that she could do it naturally.

Anonymous said...

He not even cute!

Silvermist said...

My Father's mistress had me when my Father was 51. He had five adult children with his wife, who by the way was a gorgeous. My birth mother was also young and gorgeous also. She thought by giving him a child he would leave home. When I was born, and it didn't convince him to leave, but assured she and I would be well taken of and he be raising me with her,to say she was pissed off would be an understatement. When my Father came to visit one day she was dressed to the nines, sitting on the bed with her bags packed. She told him he could raise me his damn self and left my Father and me in the hospital. My Father named me Angela because he said I looked like an angel when I was born. I look just like my Father, so he packed me up and took me home to face the music. He raised me like a little Princess until he passed away when I was 11 years old. I will be sharing more of my very interesting upbringing. Halle has daddy issues, and I have mommy issues.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Halle is not going to be able to take Nahla to France to live, no matter how many other babies she has with Olivier. Even if she and Olivier get married, she cannot move Nahla out of the country without Gabe's agreeing to it.

Halle Berry aint' nothing but another basic bird.

Anonymous said...

@6:58 violent tendencies? If you think this dude is violent and controlling then I guess you haven't met Chris Brown. This dude makes Chris Brown look like the Dali Lama. At least Oliver hasn't done what Chris Brown did to Rihanna to Ms.Berry. I'm sure you are one of the people who say that Fist Brown needs a break and he is just a child huh?

Anonymous said...

@8:21 PM God Bless you Honey sounds like your Father did right by you and his wife stepped in also you were Blessed. much love 2 U

Anonymous said...

She can get a man to knock her up but can't get one to marry her.yep,she's black.

LOVE GOD 4 EVER!!! Tracy~ said...

Anonymous said...
C'mon people! In The Bible, Sarah spit Isaac out at 91 years old so why can't Halle do it at 46??? Het TRACY LOVE GOD 4EVER, where are you on this one?!
7:01 PM
Well, Sarah was the wife of Abraham. Hagar was the servant of Sarah. God had promised Abraham many descendants, but, ten years after the promise, Sarah was still (Unable) to have children, and they were both on the verge of becoming too (Old) to have children at all. Sarah chose to give her servant Hagar to Abraham, in accordance with the custom of day, so that Sarah could have a child through her (Genesis 16:2).

Hagar conceived, and Sarah despised her. Sarah began to deal harshly with her, and Hagar fled to the desert to escape the resentment of her mistress. The (Angel of the Lord met Hagar in the wilderness, commanding her to return to Abraham and Sarah). The angel relayed a promise from God: “I will surely multiply your offspring so that they cannot be numbered for multitude” (Genesis 16:10). The angel also predicted Ishmael’s name and character (Genesis 16:11-12). Abram had a personal encounter with God, and during that exchange, God not only established an everlasting covenant with him, but He also changed the spelling of his name to “Abraham”; He also changed “Sarai” to “Sarah,” to let the world know that these two people belonged to Him. They carried His name with them, and it was part of their personal identification, because He intended to use both of them to lay the foundation for the set-aside people He was going to use to bring forth His Son Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Sarah was to become the mother of Isaac, the son of the covenant, who was to bear a son named Jacob, whose name God would change to “Israel,” and he was to be the progenitor of an entire nation called by his name.
Sarah was a simple, beautiful (Genesis 12:11), and very human woman; she made mistakes, just like we all do. She (Stepped ahead of God) and tried to handle His business on her own by (Foolishly) sending her handmaid, Hagar, to Abraham to bring forth the child God had promised and thereby ignited a feud that has lasted for 4,000 years (Genesis 16:3). She laughed in unbelief when, at (90 years old), she heard an angel tell Abraham that she would become pregnant (Genesis 19:12), but she gave birth to the promised child and lived another 30 years, dying at the ripe old age of 120 (Genesis 23:1).
The name Isaac comes from the word "Yitzhak" (also Yitzchaq) in Hebrew, which means "Laughing One", "laughter" or "to laugh". Isaac has one meaning as given by God to Abraham in Genesis, chapter 17 verse 19. It means ''child of the covenant'' or ''child of the promise''. God cannot give the name of His promised child ''laughter'' because this has spiritual significance. In Hebrew there is to ''laugh with joy'' and also ''laughter which is for mockery''. So to say ''laughter'' alone would be incomplete. God values names very much. *Genesis17:19 And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. The Roots of the Israeli-Arab Conflict!! Conflict between the two sons of Abraham began from the very start. Genesis 21:9 says the conflict began just after Isaac was weaned: "Now Sarah saw the son of Hagar the (Egyptian), whom she had borne to Abraham, mocking."
To Be Continued!

Love God-He Tore Down the Wall! Smile. Tracy~ said...

12:35 AM** Galatians 4 tells us that Ishmael had been "born according to the (flesh" while Isaac had been "born according to the promise"). Isaac replaced Ishmael as the (Favored) son and heir. This, of course, made Ishmael jealous and bitter. As a result, he mocked and disdained his half-brother. Eventually the situation became so intolerable that Abraham's wife Sarah demanded that Ishmael and his Egyptian (Concubine) mother, Hagar, be expelled permanently from Abraham's family. But YHWH...God loved Hagar and her son, and had mercy upon them. He promised Hagar that her son would beget twelve princes who would become a great nation. Ishmael then went to live in the wilderness region of Hejaz in what became known as the Arabian Peninsula. He indeed had twelve patriarchal sons who became associated with the peoples known as Midianites, Edomites, Egyptians and Assyrians. The Bible and Islamic tradition both agree that Ishmael became the leader of all the great desert peoples of the Middle East. This jealousy and resentment between Sarah and Hagar and their sons (Isaac and Ishmael created an unparalleled hate which has set off Wars and atrocities for four thousand years). It was the title deed to the land of Israel, which God Promised to Abraham's lineage, that has been the source of the (Friction between the Jews and the Arabs right up to the present day).
Muslims believe the Jews changed and distorted the Bible in order to establish themselves as the heirs of Abraham's Covenant blessings. However, they (Fail) to explain how the New Testament clearly teaches that the Covenant was made with Isaac and his descendants. I Believe The Holy Bible!!! According to Islamic tradition, Abraham had eight sons rather than two who were reared in Mecca, not Hebron. They insist it was Ishmael, not Isaac, whom Abraham was about to sacrifice on Mount Moriah when an angel stopped him. According to the Koran, the Abrahamic covenant, with its promises - including the title deed to the land of Israel - was passed down to the Arabs through Ishmael, rather than to the Jews through Isaac.
If one believes that the Old and New Testaments were written under the inspiration of the Spirit of YHWH, then there is (No) question that Israel is the Promised Land of the Jews. God's words to Abraham in Genesis are some 2,500 years older than the creation of Islam. The bottom line is, YHWH...God fulfilled His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael. God is using the consequential warfare between the two brothers in order to bring about His "end time" scenario!! God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tracy for a complicated lesson made simple through your words. Please continue to share with us your knowledge and wisdom. You do much for many you do not know. May God continue to bless you!

Anonymous said...

y'all need to stop conjuring up the spirit of Tracy. She's like the Candyman up in these threads.

zeeedeee said...

I think its cool halle is gonna have her own baby rather than adoptin like a lot of hollywood women do now especially considerin her age and condition.....and whos to say oliver hadnt laid hands on her....he sure beat the brakes off of gabriel....saw dude on tmz yesterday tryin to take off on a photographer too.....controlling and violent bottom feeder is the vibe im gettin from homey

Anonymous said...

yeah the stress of living with this violent man is worse then the stress of giving birth. I hope it works out i truly do.

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