Monday, November 04, 2013

Oprah Accidentally Sabotages Father's Divorce

Oprah Winfrey got in the middle of her father's messy divorce and now its going to cost him...

Last year Oprah's dad Vernon Winfrey let his barbershop go into foreclosure in a desperate bid to get out of business with his estranged wife Barbara [click here if you missed that].

Oprah turned around and bought the shop and promptly gave it back to him and according to TMZ that slick move helped make the judge's decision to reject Vernon's divorce petition in favor of Barbara's.

At the start of their divorce Oprah offered Barbabra a small home in North Tennessee and a Mercedes she co-owned with Vernon, but she rejected the offer [click here if you missed that].

Barbara, who was married to Vernon Winfrey for ten years, is seeking alimony and legal fees.