Saturday, May 03, 2014

V. Stiviano Breaks Her Silence

V. Stiviano sits down with Barbara Walters for her first interview since taped conversations between herself and L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling leaked exposing Sterling as a racist…

V confirms she and Don Sterling are still in touch telling Barbara Walters,
“I’m Mr. Sterling’s right hand...arm…man. I’m Mr. Sterling’s everything. I’m his confidant. His best friend. His silly rabbit. I’m his everything."
V. also gives insight into Mr. Sterling's mind set since the scandal broke explaining,
"[Don Sterling] feels very alone. Not truly supported by those around him. Tormented. Emotionally traumatized. I'm with him in a state of, I want to help him. Urging him to come to his own rescue. But even so, I think he feels that he's alone." 
"He's hurt. I think he's more traumatized and hurt by the things he said himself. I think he can't even believe or understand sometimes the things he says. And I think he's hurt by it. He's hurting right now."