Monday, November 10, 2014

Gabriel Union Ignores On-Break Baby

If you don't acknowledge it, it doesn't exist.

Gabrielle Union wrote a moving piece for Cosmopolitan Magazine called, "My Nude Photos Were Stolen, and I'm Fighting Back," after intimate photos of her and other celebrities were leaked online by hackers [click here if you missed that] but only thing the messy set is talking about is how Gabrielle purposely excluded husband Dwayne Wade's on-break baby from her essay…

In the well-written piece Gabrielle Union describes the leaking of her intimate photos as a "hate crime against women" and a "new form of sexual abuse" but the one paragraph that sticks out to the tea sippers is the one where Gabby refers to herself as the stepmother of three boys, even though Dwayne Wade has four sons, one fathered during their relationship [click here if you missed that].

In her essay Gabrielle writes,
"Will today be the day my life gets ruined? I thought about my family and everyone the scandal would affect — my mom, who teaches classes about Catholicism to kids, and the three boys I had become a stepmother to when I married Dwyane. My husband, meanwhile, would always have to wonder who had seen intimate photos of me that only he was supposed to see."
Go here to read the essay in full.