Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wiz Khalifa Calls Amber Rose a Bad Mom

Wiz Khalifa accuses Amber Rose of being a terrible mother in new court documents…

Wiz Khalifa is building a case against Amber Rose in his quest to modify their custody agreement.

According  court documents dug up by TMZ,
-- Amber often stays out all night, requiring that relatives and staff take over 
-- The family dog eats its own feces and then licks Sebastian's face 
-- When she wakes up she'll play with the kid for 15 minutes or so and then disappear 
-- Amber and her mom have a volatile relationship, laced with "shouting matches and vulgar exchanges," which upset the boy. And during the arguments the N word was hurled by Amber's mom
So far Wiz has not filed a motion to strip custody but sources claim its coming.