Thursday, October 22, 2015

Rihanna Camp Admits Starting Jay Z Rumors

For years there have been rumors that Jay Z and Rihanna had a secret relationship.

Now someone from Rihanna's camp admits the rumors were started to hype Rihanna's career…

Randy Taraborrelli is writing an unauthorized Beyonce biography called 'Being Beyonce ' and claims a  Rihanna insider admitted making up the cheating rumors.

From Radar Online
A former member of Rihanna’s camp confessed to Taraborrelli that he made up the scandalous stories in order to attract attention to the teen’s career.
Though the hot hook-up may not have been true, the author claims Beyonce believed the gossip.
“Beyonce wasn’t sure she could trust Jay when it came to his adamant denials,” he writes. “She couldn’t help but be skeptical.”