Saturday, March 05, 2016

LAPD Calls OJ Simpson Knife Find Possibly Bogus

This week it was revealed that a Los Angels police officer had secretly been keeping a knife found buried on OJ Simpon's former Rockingham estate that might possibly be connected to the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown-Simpson [click here if you missed that].

LAPD officials cast doubt on the claims...

In a press conference held in LA yesterday Capt. Andrew Neiman cautions,
“I would think that an LAPD officer — if this story is accurate — any time you come into contact with evidence you should and shall submit that into evidence. I don’t know what the circumstances are, why that didn’t happen, or if that’s entirely accurate, or if this whole story is possibly bogus from the get-go.”

Fun Fact: Even if the knife were linked to the crime OJ Simpson cannot be tried again for the murder of Nicole Brown-Simpson because of double jeopardy laws barring a person from being tried for the same crime twice.

OJ Simpson was acquitted on October 3, 1995 in what was then called the trial of the century.

On October 4, 2008 OJ Simpson was sentenced to 33 years in prison on kidnapping and armed robbery charges [click here if you missed that].

The former gird iron great is up for parole next year.