Friday, September 16, 2016

The Mystery of YaYa DaCosta's Marriage

Last year actress YaYa DaCosta filed for divorce in Manhattan Supreme Court from her husband of two years, film director Joshua Bee Alafia [click here if you missed that].

Now YaYa claims she was never actually married...

When asked about her divorce in an interview with Madame Noir YaYa replied,
“You know what’s funny? Because I never talk about my personal life, it’s hard to dispel rumors.” 
 “And a lot of people say, ‘Oh, just ignore them, they’ll go away.’ But no, I never got divorced because I was never married, first of all. But I did have a child with someone, which is more of a commitment than marriages these days anyway. I broke up with him right after the birth because like I said, it was an enlightening experience. But I definitely make it a point to ensure that my son has a relationship with his father because everyone should.”