Thursday, October 03, 2019

Lamar Odom Checks Khloe Kardashian Stans

Four years ago Khloe Kardashian dropped everything and rushed to her estranged husband Lamar Odom's side after he had a near fatal drug overdose inside a Nevada brothel and spent 4 days in a coma [click here if you missed that].

After speaking about his miraculous recovery while competing on Dancing with the Stars, Lamar is forced to check Khloe Kardashian fans hoping they'll get back together despite his current relationship with life coach Sabrina Parr...
It all started after Lamar made a post on Instagram telling fans about his journey from near fatal drug overdose to Dancing with Stars and how anything is possible if you just have faith.

Of course that brought out the Khloe stans demanding Lamar credit her for his recovery.

Finally, after one fan expressed hope that Lamar and Khloe would get back together, Lamar snapped and asked her to unfollow him if she couldn't accept his new girlfriend.