Thursday, November 24, 2022

Larsa Pippen Awarded Portion of Scottie Pippen's NBA Pension

Six years ago retired Chicago Bulls star Scottie Pippen filed for divorce from his wife Larsa Pippen after she was caught creeping with rapper Future [click here if you missed that].

Now that the divorce is final, Larsa has been awarded child support, alimony and a portion of Scottie's NBA pension....

From Radar Online
Real Housewives of Miami star Larsa Pippen was not only awarded monthly support from her ex-husband Scottie Pippen but received a cut of his NBA pension plan, has learned.
Larsa will now be listed as an “alternate payee” on the account. The court used a formula to determine the amount she will be paid. The reality star has an interest in all the money Scottie added to the account from their marriage in 1997 to their separation in 2016.
As first reported, Scottie and Larsa settled their never-ending divorce earlier this year. Per their agreement, the iconic basketball star agreed to pay monthly child support. The two reached a deal on spousal support but the details are also sealed.