Thursday, August 23, 2012

Jay Z Suing for Secret Recipe

Yesterday news spread that Jay Z was suing his former personal chef for leaving him high and dry in the kitchen at the 40/40 club [click here if you missed that].

Today we find out it all boils down to a secret recipe for chicken wings...

From Page Six
"One source tells us that chef Mike Shand left “taking the recipes to popular menu items such as chicken wings, forcing the club to sue.” But we’re told Shand happily handed over all his recipes — except his spice mix. Shand’s lawyer Vik Pawar told us, “The spice-mix recipe that Mike developed is his own recipe. 40/40 terminated him, then had the audacity to sue him for his recipes. He gave them all apart from this spice mix because it is his own. Mike had a wonderful relationship with Jay-Z and Beyonce for many years.”