Monday, June 17, 2013

Allen Iverson Accused of Kidnapping the Kids

Last week it was revealed that Allen Iverson was facing jail time over $40,000 in missed child support payments [click here if you missed that].

Maybe the reason Allen isn't paying child support is because he kidnapped the kids over a month ago...

According to TMZ Tawanna Iverson just filed legal documents claiming Allen asked permission to take their five kids to Charlotte, NC from May 22 until May 26 and never brought them back. Tawanna claims she arranged an exchange on June 4th but Allen never showed up.

Tawana, who was awarded primary custody in their  messy divorce, believes the children ages 3 to 16 are being kept at a Sheraton hotel somewhere in Georgia.

Tawana wants a judge to force Allen to return the children and toss his ass in jail.