Thursday, September 14, 2006

Should Common Rescue Absentee Father?

In keeping with our ghetto theme, let's talk about Common's daddy.
The Denver Post ran a story about Common's pops, Lonnie Lynn,
an ex-Denver Rocket. Aparently, in the 70's, Common's daddy
had a short lived b-ball career, then started using drugs after he got
cut from the team. Lonnie claims he stopped using after
his infant son, Common, looked him in the eyes, giving pops
the distinct feeling the baby knew his daddy was a drug addict.
It didn't stop him from moving to Denver and leaving
Common and his mama after the boy turned six, though.
Anyway, from then on, he tried to visit his son twice a year
and called him every Saturday.
Fast forward.
Lonnie is on hard times with a sixteen year old son.
The house he lived in for 21 years was just foreclosed on.
Common offered to pay rent for a year on pop's new apartment
which he refused, in hopes Common would ride in at last minute
and buy the house back from the bank. Didn't happen.
Common says, "Things aren't always what they appear to be.
I help when I can."
Lonnie has six other kids.
Is it Common's responsiblity to take care of his father?