Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fugitive Wesley Snipes Shooting Film In Namibia

Every since last week the magic question has been
"Where is Wesley Snipes?"
Well, Mr. "I Don't Pay My Taxes" turned up in
the South African country, Namibia. He's shooting
some kind of cowboy horror flick called Gallowwaker.
Namibia doesn't have an extradition treaty with the U.S.
so Wesley don't have to come back, if he don't want too, but
I wonder how he got in Namibia in the first place.
Remember last year when he was stopped in Johannesburg
using a fake South African passport? Isn't that against the law?
I'm starting to think this guy played one too many action heroes.
I've been trying to find out how Wes got in this tax trouble in
the first place. Was it an accountant who stole his money?
Mis-management of funds? Nope, none of that.
Wesley was involved with The Guilding Light of God.
Sounds like a church right? Not according to the IRS.
They raided the Guilding Light of God back in Feburary
2004. Apparently this group will help you fake your taxes
and Wesley Snipes is was one of their clients.