Monday, November 20, 2006

Fox Boogie Booed Off Stage

One of illseed's people dropped this on him.
What's good Illseed? I just went to the club last night in Hartford,CT and was treated to a surprise performance by the Ill NaNa, Foxy Brown. As soon as she took the stage, she threw her ROC sign up and yelled Rocafella all night. The crowd was younger and although they were surprised, they weren't too amused. She couldn't catch a beat to save her life but maybe she was drunk. She spit a few acapella verses aimed at Lil Kim and Rah Digga that were decent but it just wasn't coming together. Being 25, I was pretty excited about the whole ordeal but a half hour of the DJ fumbling records and Foxy not remembering ANY verse she ever wrote, the crowd started to boo her. She didn't even remember her "Who shot ya" remix verse. I was sad. She looked okay though. I would have hit. The night ended up with everyone peacefully leaving to the yell of Foxy Brown " Rocafella and Fox 5 for life" . Just wanted to put you on.