Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bow Wows Says In Ten Years He'll Be Bigger Than Puff

Bow Wow is always good for a stupid comment.
If he's not bragging to Ron Isley about his gold
album, or putting himself in catogories with Jay Z
and 50 Cent or taking trash about Will Smith, he'll still
come up with something wack to say. Now the 19 year old
says in ten years he's gonna be bigger than Puff.
You mean Puff the rapper, right Bow Wow?
Because surely you're not saying you'll be bigger than
Puff the fashion house,
Puff the TV producer,
Puff the music producer,
Puff the label owner,
or even
Puff the attention seeker.
You're just talking about the rapping part right?
Cause yeah, you got a shot at that.