Monday, October 22, 2007

Pac Man Sued By Paralyzed Shooting Victim

A week ago NFL defensive back Adam “Pacman” Jones was telling people at the TNA iMPACT! tapings that as far as he knows, he is done with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling after that night's Bound For Glory pay-per-view, because despite repeated requests, TNA Vice president Jeff Jarrett had been unable to get the Tennessee Titans to allow Pacman to wrestle. And that ain't the only thing going wrong for Pacman, besides serving a one year suspension from the NFL for getting arrested one to many times. Tommy Urbanski, the man who was shot in the back and paralyzed in Las Vegas last year is suing both Pacman and the NFL, claiming the Tennessee Titans knew Adam "Pacman" Jones was trouble but refused to rein him in until after the Las Vegas strip club manager was shot and paralyzed, according to a lawsuit the former professional wrestler is expected to file in the Nevada courts.