Thursday, March 27, 2008

LA Times Apologizes To Puffy

According to The Smoking Gun, a con artist in Federal prison named James Sabatino created the documents that were the basis for the Times' March 17 report, which suggested that the 1994 shooting of Tupac was planned and perpetrated by Diddy and his associates. The supposed FBI reports and lawsuits Sabatino says he filed were apparently created in the Allenwood federal penitentiary in White Deer, Penn., and can't be found in the bureau's database.

"The bottom line is that the documents we relied on should not have been used," LA Times Editor, Russ Stanton, said in a story posted Wednesday night on the newspaper's Web site. "We apologize both to our readers and to those referenced in the documents ... and in the story." Pulitzer-prize winning reporter Chuck Philips, who wrote the story, and his supervisor, Deputy Managing Editor Marc Duvoisin, also apologized.