Friday, April 04, 2008

50 Wants To Put His Baby Mama Out

Ok, so you know 50 Cent recently cut his baby's mama's child support down from $15,000.00 a month to $6,700.00 right? And that Shaniqua and 50's son Marquis had been living in 50's Long Island mansion. Anyway, 50 just asked a judge for an eviction order for Shaniqua and Marquis...
.. claiming he only allowed them to stay at the Long Island house until Shaniqua found a new place. Well, 50 claims Shaniqua hasn't even been looking and that she's totally taking advantage of the situation. Paul Catsandonis, Shaniqua's lawyer, plans to argue that an eviction is illegal because Shaniqua is not a tenant. He claims her residency has always been without a lease agreement, and Catsandonis says that because she pays no rent, she cannot be subject to eviction. Plus Shanaynay says 50 promised the house to her and that he reneged just before closing the sale on the property. Can't wait to see how this turns out.