Thursday, April 24, 2008

Star Got A Job

She may have lost her man, but she's got a new temporary job. Star Jones, who recently filed for divorce from her husband of 3 1/2 years, Al Reynolds, just signed on to host a "Bad Girls Club" reunion show on The Oxygen channel May 20...

But who cares about that, right? We just want to talk about what a big spectacle Star made over her wedding to Al and how it cost her her job on The View because of how shamelessly she begged for freebies from corporate sponsors to cover nearly every expense of her wedding in exchange for promos on the show, without checking with the network first, and how she lied about having gastrointestinal surgery, and last but not least, how Al turned out to be another Jonathan Plummer.

But aside from all that, congrats on your new job Star!