Tuesday, July 28, 2009

LaShonda Scores the Interview of the Century

And by the century I mean the moment. Anyway, LaShonda of Gossip and News with LaShonda had a sit down with none other than Ms. Tameka F. Raymond [please say the Raymond]. In the interview Tameka says she's never threatened any ATL bloggers [click here if you missed that], that she's never had any cosmetic surgery and that that unflattering photo of her with a stretched marked belly hanging over her panties is a photoshop. Oh, and she denies Usher ever requested a DNA test for her youngest son. Actually she didn't deny it, she just called the accusations insane and says she doesn't have dignify them with an answer. Riiiiiight.
You can go here to read the whole interview or here to read Atlien's [the threatened blogger in question] hilarious reinterpretation of it.