Monday, November 09, 2009

Sammy is Not Trying to Be Michael Jackson

Sosa in 1989 with Texas, in 2004 with the Cubs and this week in Las Vegas
That's what a friend of Sammy Sosa's said after he turned up on the red carpet at the Latin Grammy Awards looking like a white shadow of his former self. Sammy's pal told the Chicago Tribune, "He's not trying to be Michael Jackson. He is going through a rejuvenation process for his skin. Women have it all of the time. He was surprised he came out looking so white. I thought it was a body double. Part of (the photo appearance) is just the lighting. He is in the middle of doing a cleansing process to his skin. The picture is deceiving. He said, 'If you saw me in person, you would be surprised. When you see me in person, it is not going to seem like the picture.' People who saw him in person did not react the same way. He can't believe it is such a big deal. He has always been concerned with the way he looks. Probably just bad timing going to an awards show."