Wednesday, January 06, 2010
When Will They Learn?
The gun Gilbert Arenas pulled on his teammate in the Washington Wizards locker room? Unregistered. So now Gil is definitely facing gun charges and a possible suspension from the league.
They say the whole thing started when Gil was losing losing losing in a card game onboard a charted flight with team mate JaVale McGee. That's when Gil's other team mate, Javaris Crittenton, offered to front him $25,000.00 so he could keep playing. [<-- is that to say Javaris had $25Gs in his pocket?] Long story short, Gil lost it all and accused McGee of cheating and somehow felt that negated his debt with Javaris.
So they say.
Also, the spin from the Wizards organization is that Gil and Javaris didn't actually "pull guns" on each other, but rather Gil "showed" his guns to Javaris, to which Javaris "showed" his own guns in response.