Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So it was Jordan's Fault?

One of Tiger Woods former advisers says it was Michael Jordan's influence that sent Tiger Woods on the downward spiral of gambling and womanizing.

In the next issue of Vanity Fair Tiger's former adviser John Merchant says,
"I told him, 'Stay away from that son of a bitch [Jordan], because he doesn't have anything to offer to the f- - -ing world in which he lives except playing basketball, which he did yesterday."
Also in the Vanity Fair issue one of Tigers skanks claims after trying to get out of sex with Tiger by telling him she was on her period, he told her to just take her tampon out and did it with her anyway, in the house he shares with Elin! Skankalita also blasted Tiger for being a cheap skate saying he never flew her first class and that the only meal he ever bought her was a chicken wrap from Subway!