Friday, June 11, 2010

The Emancipation of Kelly Rowland is Over

The Kelly Rowland we all know and love, who always managed to bring Beyonce up in her interviews, is back.

Explaining how Beyonce talked her through a particularly bad break-up, Kelly Rowland says,
"Heartbreak moulds and makes you stronger. It makes you aware of what you want and don't want in love. I actually got that from Beyonce.

"I remember I called her crying about some guy and Michelle Williams was rubbing my back while I was talking about it and Bee said, 'Well at least you know what you want and don't want!'

"And I thought that was the funniest thing because I'd never thought about it like that. I stopped crying and was like, 'Oh yeah!' So I wrote down my list of what I wanted and didn't want and my list is good now."
And just when we were getting  used to the Beyonce-free Kelly Rowland. Oh well. Welcome back.