Saturday, August 07, 2010

What was Your First Clue, Montana?

Montana Fishburne believes Brian Pumper is exploiting her.

From an interview with Black Voices
Black Voices : Now what's your association with Brian Pumper? He's saying that you have another movie coming out?

Montana Fishburne: I did a music video for him, but with my porn career, I'm focusing on Montana Fishburne with Vivid. That's what it is. The whole Brian Pumper thing, I look at it as a mistake honestly. And I'm trying to get away from that and focus on Vivid and the release of this movie.

BV: So were you known as Chippy D when you were with him?

MF: No, that was for a music video. I knew him and that was it.

BV: Do you think Brian Pumper will have a rap career now that he has a video out?

MF: No, I don't think his music appeals to the mainstream.

: When are we going to see you and him in action?

MF: Me and Brian are no longer in contact.

BV: Do you think he's exploiting you?

MF: Yes, I feel taken advantage by Brian Pumper. I don't really want to go into details about the situation. Jeremy [Greene, an aspiring porn actor], he feels for me, he knows how I feel about it. He has talked to Brian, and they have dealt with each other, because I don't even want to deal with him anymore. I'm not in contact with Brian Pumper, and I'm just trying to get rid of the situation.

Read the rest of Montana's interview here. She says her mom supports her, she still hasn't talked to her dad, explains the name Chippy D and where she expects to be in 10 years.