Tuesday, December 28, 2010

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Three teens were discovered burglarizing Tyler Perry's Atlanta estate the same day he took a group of orphans on a shopping spree and also announced plans to rebuild the burnt out home of an Atlanta area great grandmother.

An 80 year old women caring for her seven great grandchildren had her house burn to the ground and lost everything. Firefighters started a drive to help replace the woman's things and Tyler Perry heard about it. Tyler moved the woman and the 7 children into a rental unit and promised to pay their rent and utilities while he rebuilds their house.

That same week Tyler took a group of orphans on a shopping spree and later that night he was the victim of a home invasion attempt.

Tyler talks about the ordeal on his message board 
When I built my house three years ago, I remember having an argument with my security team because I thought what they were doing was overkill. After listening to their side, I gave in and let them do what they wanted. So, on my property there are cameras everywhere, night vision cameras, sensor lighting, laser sensors, underground laser sensors, a guard dog, 24-hour armed bodyguards and a few other things that I can't mention. When it was done, I was thinking, "This is ridiculous, I don't need all of this crap!" That was until tonight. Last night I was home in bed on a high from these kids. At about 3am my phone rings. This special line never rings in my house, so I knew something was wrong. I answered and I hear this voice say, "Sir, I need you to be alert. There are three intruders on the property." It was my security. I sat straight up thinking, "You have got to be kidding me!"

The phone rings again a short time later and it was my security team saying that they had apprehended the intruder and the police were talking to the person now. When the police asked the person what they were doing, the answer was they were looking for money. He also recognized this person from another attempted home invasion down the street from me. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I was so mad! I have worked my entire life being homeless, broke, struggling and hungry, but I would never rob anybody. What happened to making your own way? What happened to honesty and integrity? What happened to doing the right thing so that God can bless you? Man oh man, this made me upset!

I will be on the phone with the D.A.'s office and the Chief of Police in a little bit to make sure that these other people are caught and that all of them are prosecuted to the fullest. I will give 'till I can't give anymore. That's my heart, but to try and rob, or steal from me! If all three of them were looking for trouble they found it!