Monday, February 07, 2011

Funk Master Flex Arrested for Domestic Assault

Last Friday Funk Master Flex got arrested for smacking his wife around...

DJ Funk Master Flex's wife called the cops on him 5am Friday morning after he pushed her, snatched her phone and stomped it on the floor. Apparently there was some sort of argument regarding threatening text messages Flex sent his wife on Thursday. Flex was arrested not far from home and charged with three counts of criminal mischief and harassment, released on $500 bail and ordered to stay away from his wife.

Flex talked about the situation at his gig on Saturday night telling the crowd,
"Yes, we had words. "Yes, there was an argument. Yes, there was a phone broken. Yes, there were police called. I love my fans, and I encourage all of them to work things out in their own marriages."