Monday, June 06, 2011

Rihanna Calls BET to Defend Man Down

After the Parents Television Council slammed Rihanna's video 'Man Down' for condoning violence [click here if you missed that], Rihanna called into BET's 106 and Park and defended her video telling Terrence and Rocsi, "I’ve been abused in the past and you don’t see me running around killing people in my spare time"...

Rihanna explains,
Obviously [the character is] not a cold-blooded killer. It has to be something so offensive and we decided to hone in on a very serious matter that people are afraid to address.”

“Rape is happening all over the world and right in our own home and we continue to cover it up and pretend it doesn’t happen. I personally don’t condone violence or murder. I’ve been abused in the past and you don’t see me running around killing people in my spare time. I just want girls to be careful. Have fun, be flirtatious… just try not to be naive. That’s not coming from a parent, but a peer.”