Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kelly Rowland and her Boobs Cover Vibe

In the latest issue of Vibe Magazine Kelly Rowland kind of admits she doesn't talk to Mathew Knowles anymore...

From Vibe
When you walked away from that last meeting with Mathew, did you feel an “exhale” moment?

I did, but I also felt like, 'Oh my God, what have I done?!' I stayed in the house for two days. I was sad. It was like a funeral. I had to deaden that situation in order to start fresh. That’s a very long time to have the same manager and the same label.

What about your personal relationship with Mathew Knowles. Do you still talk to him?

Mathew sent me flowers for my birthday!

But do you talk to him?

It’s... I respect him above anything.