Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Don't Hold Your Breath for a Picture of the Baby

A top magazine editor says all the mags are currently vying for exclusive rights to photos of Jay Z  and Beyonce's new baby, but so far the couple hasn't returned a single call...

From Huffington Post
They are one of the most private couples," one magazine editor told me. "We have made several offers to their people about running exclusive images of mother and baby and no one has responded."

"If Beyonce and Jay-Z do decide to share their child with the world, they will probably go the same route as Tom Cruise and Katie [Holmes]," the editor explains. "Instead of selling the images to a weekly publication, they would give them away for nothing to lock in a cover of a monthly like Vanity Fair. But knowing this couple, it is unlikely we will ever see a staged picture of the child."