Monday, March 12, 2012

Pat Houston Answers the Stacy Francis Question

Whitney Houston's sister-in-law / manager, Pat Houston, cleared up a few rumors last night during her interview with Oprah Winfrey, namely the misconception that Bobby Brown is the one who introduced Whitney Houston to drugs, but also about what really happened between Whitney Houston and Stacy Francis two nights before Whitney died...

X-Factor contestant Stacey Francis claims she got into an altercation with Whitney Houston over Ray J at a pre-Grammy party [click here if you missed that] and later sold her story to a British tabloid [click here if you missed that].

Pat, who was with Whitney at the party, tells a different story,

“There have been lots of talk of a confrontation that she had. Well, there was, kind of. There were words back and forth between [Whitney] and a young lady I believe was on ‘The X Factor.’ [Stacy Francis] comes over, and she says hello, but you keep seeing her. Every corner that we go to, here she comes. Didn’t know her. She didn’t know her from Adam.

“I don’t know what the initial conversation was. I just know that it didn’t feel right … I saw expressions. I saw tears … from the young lady [Stacy Francis]. I said, ‘It’s time to go.’ [Whitney] did not want to leave. I said, ‘No.’

“I didn’t hear the words [of the argument]. There was no physical fighting. I would never let that happen. And we headed out that door …

“I don’t know [Stacy Francis], and I don’t have anything negative at all to say about her. I’m just saying what I saw. And she made herself present everywhere we were.”