Friday, May 11, 2012

Monica Repping for Real Basketball Wives

VH1's reality show Basketball Wives would have you believe all NBA wives were a bunch of loud mouth, uncouth bullies.

Welp, considering nobody on the show is actually married to a baller, REAL basketball wife Monica Brown evens out the  stereotype...

Monica tells Hip Hollywood, 
"I don’t have any issues with Basketball Wives at all because I think they are telling their truth. My truth is not like that. You know, my husband is very supportive. He is an amazing man because he is not afraid to be a man. He is okay with saying how he feels about me and doing certain things to make sure his wife is okay and he is a family man to the tenth power so that was important for me. So I think that it is all about the individual, not the job or the sport."
"You have to judge people based off of what they are and what they show you and what I have experienced with my husband is nothing like that but I believe that they live in their own truth and I think that that is okay."