Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nasty Comment About Nahla Pushes Halle Over the Edge

Halle Berry reached the end of her rope with paparazzi after one magazine ran a photo calling her daughter a nose picker...

Halle tells Access Hollywood,
“We are going to figure out what we can do on our local level in Los Angeles to sort of change some laws because it is becoming child exploitation.”
“When I open up all these magazines and I see all these children in them. Nahla was just in a magazine and they said, what does she – and I think Gwen Stefani’s kid – have in common? They were both nose pickers and I thought, ‘You know we are stooping to a new low when we prop up our children and exploit them like this.’ And people can’t wait to open up a magazine and see what 4-year-olds are wearing. There is something wrong, fundamentally wrong, with that.”