Friday, August 17, 2012

Chad Desperate to Win Evelyn Back?

Evelyn Lozada's friends claim Chad Johnson has been violating his no contact order and is begging Evelyn to give him another chance...

Insiders tell Radar Online,
"[Chad] is desperate to win Evelyn back, so he feels he has at least one person on his team, but she is resolute that is NOT going to happen.
"Chad has been tearfully calling and texting Ev, pouring his heart out to her and telling how sorry he is and how he has never loved anyone before as he loves her. But, it's just too little too late.
"Evelyn will not tolerate being cheated on and being physically attacked and she has washed her hands of Chad for good. She was desperately in love with him and ignored a lot of warning signs along the way, but now that she has finally woken up, she will not be taking any steps back and will not go back to him.
"Despite Chad's pleas for a second chance and his assurances that he will undergo counseling, Ev is sticking to her guns. It is over between her and Chad. For good. Period."