Friday, August 03, 2012

Matt Barnes Stalked by the Police?

Matt Barnes was taken into custody for an outstanding warrant and resisting arrest in Manhattan Beach, CA yesterday but details from the arrest are starting to sound shady...

According to a law enforcement snitch on TMZ's payroll the police officer who arrested Matt waited in an alley for two whole hours while Matt ate dinner in a Manhattan Beach restaurant.

The snitch claims the officer watched Matt and his baby mama Gloria Govan park their car and walk a block and a half to the restaurant and did nothing, even after Matt left the restaurant in the middle of dinner to retrieve something from the car and walked right past the officer.

The snitch says Matt was approached after leaving the restaurant and told he was under arrest but not told why. Apparently Matt failed to appear for a driving on suspended license ticket. And as for resisting arrest, the snitch says Matt had one hand behind his back was trying to give his car keys to Gloria Govan with the other hand and when the office tried to cuff the hand with the keys Matt pulled away to give Gloria the keys and that's when the officer added the resisting arrest charge.

So, um, yeah.