Friday, September 14, 2012

50 Cent Confirms Pacquiao Deal

Yesterday it was announced that 50 Cent had entered into a joint venture with former bff Floyd Mayweather's arch rival, Manny Pacquiao [click here if you missed that].  

In an interview with Power 105, 50 Cent confirms the Paquiao deal and sheds light on the current  status of his relationship with Floyd Mayweather...

50 tells The Breakfast Club,
"Yeah, well Floyd is a friend of mine…I look at Floyd like he’s my younger brother. ... He earns so much that he just spend. Run around and spend what he want. So, there’s no urgency, to anything. And when the communication breaks and it starts to not be –Look, my concept of TMT is ‘the fight you want to see’. It’s Floyd [Mayweather and] Manny Pacquiao, the fight.”