Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wyclef Admits Cheating with His Manager

Two years ago Wyclef Jean got caught out there after his wife Claudinette found naked pictures of Wyclef's manager, Lisa Ellis, on his cell phone [click here if you missed that].

Lisa, who was fired shortly thereafter, claimed there was nothing going on between herself and Wyclef and that the pictures were from an art book that were being taken out of context.

Wyclef sets the record straight in his new autobiography...

From Page Six
In his new book, “Purpose,” Jean writes of the scandal: “In those years after my father died, like I said, I made many mistakes. The worst of them was to get into a relationship with the woman who was my manager at the time . . . My former manager claimed that the picture was a nude shot taken by a photographer for a book of artistic portraits. I’m pretty sure that book never came out, but I wasn’t going to throw her under the bus publicly, so I didn’t say anything more about it.” Jean also said he didn’t fire Ellis as his manager because his wife, Claudinette, made him. “I did so because of a few bad business decisions on her part, and I also didn’t agree with her management style. Even if those two issues hadn’t been there, my mixing business with pleasure was miserable. Firing her as my manager was the only thing I could do after crossing those lines, because business could not go on as usual between us any longer.”