Saturday, December 15, 2012

Kenya Denies Flirting with Apollo

Earlier this week Kenya Moore admitted she went too far with Apollo in Anguilla [click here if you missed that], now Kenya denies flirting with Apollo at all...

Kenya writes on her Bravo blog,
The fact is, we were having a great time and I’m sure you all could see there were drinks flowing, good music, good conversation, and we let our hair down. We were all horsing around and it was HARMLESS. When I watched the show playback I cringed a little. I was acting a fool! What was in that rum punch? LOL! Does it appear that I flirt with Apollo by pushing him in a pool? I was playing around and being silly -- not flirting with Apollo. I did not think he was flirting either by pushing me back. Now, as to the “tall drink of water,” guilty. Perhaps it was passive aggressive behavior. I’m not saying it was proper, but it is a possibility I was acting out.
With that said, I don’t think that having fun or flirting warrants being ostracized or having to wear a scarlet letter on my chest. We were all having the best time. NeNe even flirts some, but no one took that seriously and no one should take my flirting seriously either. It appears through Phaedra’s interviews that she had strong opinions about it and fired warning shots in my direction. However, by the end of the trip, you will see that Phaedra and I remained close friends and she saw it for what it was, HARMLESS. We kept it moving. No harm, no foul. She knows I didn’t and don’t want Apollo. I don’t want any man that is married. When I go to sleep at night, I get in my own bed and there isn’t anyone’s husband in it.