Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Allen Iverson Doesn't Want Usher's Judge

Allen Iverson is taking the Tameka Raymond route and trying to get Judge Bensonetta Tipton-Lane thrown off his divorce case...

An investigation prompted by Usher and Tameka Raymond's bitter child custody battle famously exposed a pattern of favorable judgments between Judge Bensonetta Tipton-Lane and Usher's attorney John Mayoue, who also happens to be a big contributor to Judge Tipton-Lane's re-election committee [click here if you missed that].

As a result Allen Iverson is calling foul after his estranged wife Tawana hired John Mayoue to represent her in their divorce case which is scheduled to be heard by Judge Tipton-Lane next week.

Allen's attorneys have filed a motion asking Judge Tipton-Lane to recuse herself from the case.