Friday, June 07, 2013

Fantasia Bashes Media Over Rumored Affair

In a recent interview Fantasia Barrino blasts the media for portraying her relationship with Antwuan Cook in a negative light...

Fantasia tells Lifelicious
"You only heard what you heard, you only got what you got. But you never got to see that real love and that relationship, that friendship that we had. They kept running with this whole knowledge thing, and she stole somebody from some woman…Well, if everybody really looks at it and goes and does their research, I won that case. So obviously, if I won that case, it never was what they said it was. But once something gets out there, people believe everything they hear, or they just put their own twist, their own spin to it…Regardless of what you say, he’s still my son’s father. I still do love him. No, we’re not together, but he’s still a great father, a great friend, and nobody’s gonna change that. So I would have to say that this album is my way of letting go of a lot of things, letting go of a lot of things holding me back, the world mainly.”
spotted @ Urban Belle