Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Kanye Appearing on The Jimmy Kimmel Show

Last month Kanye West went on an epic Twitter rant against late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel after Jimmy spoofed Kanye's recent BBC interview [click here if you missed that].

Tonight Kanye and Jimmy will hash it out on The Jimmy Kimmel Show...

Jimmy made the announcement last night telling his studio audience,
"Kanye and I had a disagreement a couple of weeks ago, and it got a little bit out of hand. Tomorrow night, we will sit down and discuss it like normal people do - on television."
"It'll just be us, and Dr. Phil. And neither of us is leaving until this government shutdown gets solved. So if you've always wanted to see a talk show host get strangled by a pair of leather jogging pants, join us tomorrow"
He later confirmed it on Twitter