Friday, November 21, 2014

Deion Seeks to End Visitation After Pilar Leaks Audio

Earlier this week Deion Sanders ex-wife Pilar Sanders leaked audio recordings of her children detailing the alleged abuses they suffered at the hands of their father [click here if you missed that].

That little stunt may cost Pilar her visitation rights…

Deion Sanders' lawyer tells Radar Online the audio tapes leaked by Pilar were old tapes from their child custody hearing that a judge already deemed irrelevant.

Through his lawyer Deion claims Pilar hasn't even exercised her weekend visitation rights since August, but turned up at midnight earlier this month demanding he hand over the children. Deion called the police instead [click here if you missed that].

As a result of Pilar's erratic behavior Deion plans to ask a judge to suspend her parental rights altogether.