Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bill Cosby Won't Face Charges Daughter Says Accusers Should Be Jailed

Last month Judy Huth came forward claiming Bill Cosby sexually molested her at the Playboy Mansion in 1974 when she was 15 years old [click here if you missed that].

Bill Cosby will not face charges in the alleged assault while his daughter Evin calls for his growing list of accusers to be jailed…

The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office confirmed on Tuesday that the statute of limitations for any possible misdemeanor or felony charge in the case had run out, therefore they would not be pursuing the case.

Meanwhile Bill Cosby's youngest daughter, 38-year-old Evin Cosby, has been very vocal in supporting her father on social media and recently stated that women who falsely accuse men of rape should be jailed.

Evin writes,
"Rape is a serious allegation and it is suppose to be taken VERY seriously but so is Falsely accusing someone. When someone rapes a person they go to prison. THAT should also happen to the person that has wrongfully accused an innocent victim.They are not ONLY destroying innocent people's life they are ALSO making it hard for the MEN and Women to find justice when they have been raped."