Thursday, December 11, 2014

Columbus Short Confirms Addiction Rumors

Back in October a newly revealed blind item claimed a raging coke addition was the root of actor Columbus Short's anger issues [click here if you missed that].

Columbus confirms the rumors were true…

Columbus Short tells Access Hollywood
“I’ll be candid: I was struggling with drugs. I had a lot on my plate, and you know, I was using unhealthy ways to kind of self-medicate and deal with a lot of heavy duty stuff in my life… I was doing cocaine and drinking a lot, and trying to balance a 16-hour work schedule a day, and a family, and I just lost myself back then.”
“And if we’re going to be fully transparent, [Shonda Rhimes and the Scandal cast] protected me and they held me down. And that was one of the real reasons – they just wanted me to get my stuff together. Sometimes the bottom has to be dropped out for you to really get itt. So I moved to Atlanta. I’ve been living there for the last five months, five-and-a-half months, and it’s just been great. It’s been life-changing.”
After the interview went viral Columbus apologized to his fans on Instagram.